Automatic and Manual Changeover Panels
Auto/Manual Changeover Panels can be specially designed and manufactured to meet the specific requirements of our clients utilising quality electrical components to ensure consistency and durability. Our Auto/Manual Changeover Panels are constructed from quality steel with a baked on paint finish which can be matched to suit a specific application.
What are Auto/Manual Changeover Panels?
Although uncommon, electrical supplies can fail from time to time. In some businesses it is essential to establish constant electrical supplies especially in areas of critical importance i.e. broadcasting, data/hosting centres, etc.

An auto-changeover switch can be used to change between two electrical supplies without any human interaction.
It works by detecting that the main supply is stable and of good quality. Should the main supply suddenly fail, it can switch to a back-up generator or alternative supply. When the main supply has finally been re-established, the switch will monitor the main supply for several minutes or up to an hour before switching back to it. This is to ensure that it is stable for a period of time.
Depending on your needs, an Auto-Changeover Panel can be designed to supply critical systems to a building for a fixed period of time and this timescale, of course, is largely dependent upon the size of the generator being used.
Manual Changeover Panels can be manufactured also to switch electrical power supplies manually to an alternative source when power fails.
Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information.